Legal information
The Canton of St.Gallen offers free legal advice. If you can't afford a lawyer, you can find help there.
You will find a counselling centre in St.Gallen, Altstätten, Buchs, Sargans, Wil and Wattwil.
Registration is not required, you must be at one of the locations within the specified times.
Plan for longer waiting times.
You can always find the current times here:
Legal advice from the Canton of St.Gallen

There are other legal advice centres on selected topics. Usually, these offices provide information free of charge or for a small fee. Please check the applicable rates first.
If you are registered with the RAV for job placement, you can ask your personnel consultant with questions about the employment relationship.
The Schlichtungsstelle für Arbeitsverhältnisse will help you with legal questions about an employment relationship.
The Infostelle Frau und Arbeit advises and supports you with questions about employment contracts and equality.
SBK offers legal advice on employment law in nursing professions.
GastroSuisse offers legal advice on questions relating to the application of the national collective employment agreement for the hospitality industry.
The Inclusion.Handicap specialist unit advises and supports people with disabilities and their relatives on issues relating to employment contract law and social security law.
The Procap specialist office advises and supports people with health impairments with questions about social security law.
The Verein BVG Auskünfte advises policyholders on questions relating to occupational pensions.
HEKS/EPER's legal advice centre advises and informs you about legal proceedings.
The Legal Advice Centre is committed to ensuring that you have the best possible residence status for you and that you can participate optimally in social life.
Contact points
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