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Note: machine translation

In 1803, the canton of St.Gallen was founded from 12 landscapes. Depending on the region, agriculture, livestock and dairy farming were practiced or people worked for the urban textile industry. This gave rise to a variety of traditions.

Many of these traditions have also been shaped by religious influences.

The Abbey District of St.Gallen was an important spiritual centre of the European West. Thanks to its architectural richness with the baroque cathedral and the considerable stock of original manuscripts, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the canton of St.Gallen also became world-famous for its embroidery. 

Nowadays, people associate the canton of St.Gallen with the OLMA, the Openair St.Gallen and the famous St.Gallen bratwurst.

Canton of St.Gallen Trailer