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Would you like to have a say in Switzerland? Would you like to play an active role in society? In many forms, this is also possible without a Swiss passport. You receive full political rights with naturalization.

Co-determination and active shaping

In the canton of St.Gallen, foreigners are not allowed to vote or elect a person.

But you have the right to petition the authorities. Petitions can contain suggestions, complaints or requests. In addition, participation in commissions and working groups of the municipality of residence is possible. 

In addition to political participation, you can actively shape life in your environment by working in an association or other organization. Get involved where your interests lie!

Some examples of where you can get involved:


Naturalisation is the last step on the path to integration into a life in Switzerland. If you are naturalized, you can vote and be elected.

Switzerland recognises dual citizenship. Anyone applying for Swiss citizenship does not lose their previous citizenship, unless their country of origin does not allow dual citizenship.


Naturalisation procedure

There is the ordinary naturalisation procedure and the simplified naturalisation procedure. The latter is primarily intended for people who have Swiss family members.

Contact points

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