Different procedures apply to refugees, temporarily admitted persons and persons with protection status S.
Your first point of contact is always the social welfare office of the municipality of residence.
The social welfare office of your municipality of residence is responsible for you.
There you will receive information about your stay and integration.
Information about living in Switzerland
- extra content for people in the asylum procedure or with protection status S
- available in 18 languages
- many topics are explained in videos
- with read-aloud function
- Link:
Helpful information pages:
Asylum Info Switzerland in 12 languages
Swiss Refugee Council
Information for people from Ukraine
Mobile app "SUI SRC": Support for refugees in Switzerland
Information on many everyday topics such as asylum procedures, residence status, family reunification, work and training, finding accommodation, finances, living together, health system
If desired, contact can be made with an accompanying person, who can provide written assistance in the appropriate language (currently only in Arabic) on the use of the app, on the content and on specific local contact points and offers.
Contact points
Enter your postcode so that we can show you your nearest contact point.