Language courses
German is the official language in the canton of St.Gallen.
In everyday life, you often hear Swiss German with dialect, but all people understand standard German. You therefore do not need to speak Swiss German.
For many jobs, knowledge of German is required. It is also easier in everyday life if you understand German.
That's why it's important that you learn German quickly. Choose a suitable course:

Depending on your income, you will receive a price reduction for the German course. You can discuss and fill out the application with the course teacher.
- Mësoni gjermanisht - ja vlen! (albanisch)
- تعلم األلمانية - فهي ذات جدوى! (arabisch)
- Učite njemački – isplati se! (bosnisch)
- Lernen Sie Deutsch – es lohnt sich! (deutsch)
- Learn German – it is worth it! (englisch)
- آلمانی بیاموزید - ارزشش را دارد! (farsi)
- Apprenez l’allemand – cela vaut la peine! (französisch)
- Imparate il tedesco – ne vale la pena! (italienisch)
- Elmanî hîn bibin – ew hêjayê hînbûnê ye. (kurmanji)
- Aprenda Alemão – Vale a Pena! (portugiesisch)
- Baro Jarmalka–waa muhiim! (somali)
- Aprenda alemán, ¡merece la pena! (spanisch)
- ஜெர்மன் ஜமொழியயக் கற்கவும் – அது மதிப்பொனது! (tamil)
- ጀርመንኛ ተመሃር – ይረብሕ እዩ! (tigrinya)
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