Problems at work
Working in a foreign country is a challenge.

Unpleasant situations, problems or conflicts can arise in the workplace. As a result, you can experience psychological pressure and even become ill.
Arguments in the workplace, bullying, sexual harassment or discrimination are not okay. You should do something about it.
For all these cases, there are professionals who can help you.
Conflicts in the workplace often occur. Don't wait too long, but take action to get rid of the problem. Such difficulties are, for example:
- Disagreements with your supervisor
- Problems about salary payment
- Your personal behavior in the workplace is constantly criticized
- Bullying in the team
- Termination is incomprehensible
Whenever possible, contact your direct supervisors or the HR department.
If your objections are not taken into account by the employer, contact a counselling centre.
If you are a member of a trade union, you can contact them. She will support you throughout the process. You can find the contacts below.
- Conciliation Board for Employment Relationships Canton of St.Gallen new window
- Free legal advice from the St.Gallen Bar Association new window
- Zepra Counselling and Support Services - Psychological Help new window
- Information Centre for Women and Work new window
- SBK - Legal advice for nursing professions new window
- Legal advice in the hospitality industry new window
- Gender equality new window
If you are a member of a trade union, you can contact them. They will support and advise you throughout the entire process - often even in your native language.
Unia trade union
Unia is the largest trade union in Switzerland. It is cross-sectoral and organises employees in industry, commerce, construction and the private service sector. Unia also runs the largest unemployment insurance fund in Switzerland.
Syna trade union
As a trade union, Syna represents workers from all kinds of professions in trade, service and industry. The counsellors speak German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian and English.
SGB Swiss Trade Union Confederation
20 trade unions have joined forces in the Swiss Trade Union Confederation and form the largest umbrella organisation for the interests of employees in Switzerland.
Travail.Suisse is the independent umbrella organisation of employees, to which 10 associations belong. These associations represent 150,000 members from a wide range of sectors and sectors of the private sector and public service.
SBK Professional Association of Nursing
The Swiss Professional Association of Nurses SBK is the representative professional association of qualified nurses and health professionals in Switzerland. With around 25,000 members, it is one of the largest professional associations in the healthcare sector.
Syndicom trade union
syndicom organises employees in the postal, courier, express, parcel market (including logistics), mail, transport and infrastructure, telecom, IT, call centres, telecommunications industry, graphic industry and packaging, book and media trade, press and electronic media and visual communication.
Hotel & Gastro Union
The professional organization for the hospitality, hotel and bakery industry
Are you being sexually harassed by one or more people?
Or are you being bullied by a colleague, a group of colleagues or your superior? Bullying includes, for example:
- Insults
- constant criticism
- Threats
- pointless tasks
- social exclusion
- and much more
It is important to act quickly so that the situation does not get worse. Contact the person or department responsible for this in your company, for example:
- Your direct supervisor
- Your HR support
- the personnel service
- the Personnel Commission
- a person of trust
If no satisfactory solution can be found, you must inform your employer in writing about the situation. Your employer is obliged to help you.
If no help is provided, contact the St.Gallen Arbeitsinspektorat :
Labour Inspectorate
Office of Economy and Labour
Davidstrasse 35
9001 St.Gallen
Phone 058 229 35 40
In the workplace, you can be a victim of different types of discrimination:
- sexual discrimination
- racial discrimination
- Discrimination on the basis of disability
- and some more
If you are discriminated against in the workplace, you can demand that your employer intervene. Otherwise, you can find external help from counselling centres.
You will receive competent support from institutions that specialize in such cases:
Mental Health at Work Brochures
Contact points
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