Every person who lives, works or shops in Switzerland has to pay taxes. Taxes help the state to fulfill its tasks.
Every year, you will receive a letter asking you to fill out your tax return. The tax return is used to determine how much income and wealth tax you have to pay.
How are taxes calculated?
You must declare your income and assets with the official tax return. You can easily fill out the tax return online.
Every single person and every married couple automatically receives a tax form by post once a year. You must fill out this form and submit it to the Steuerverwaltung by the end of March. Report directly to the Steuerverwaltung if you are unable to meet this deadline by the end of March.
You pay a monthly Quellensteuer if you:
- do not have a permanent residence permit (C permit), live / reside in the Canton of St.Gallen and receive a salary here
- Are resident abroad and earn an income in Switzerland (e.g. Grenzgänger , Wochenaufenthalter , speakers, athletes, artists).
The Quellensteuer applies to all foreign employees residing in Switzerland who do not have a residence permit (C permit) and earn less than CHF 120,000 per year.
The Quellensteuer is deducted directly from the salary. This is arranged by your employer. The amount deducted is transferred to the cantonal Steuerverwaltung . It includes federal, cantonal and municipal income taxes.
Do you need to fill out a tax return?
The salary is taxed directly at source, you do not have to fill out a tax return for it.
However, if you have other (other) income or assets , these will be properly assessed retrospectively. You will then also have to file a tax return.
File your tax return
In order to be able to fill out the annual tax return easily and quickly, it is advisable to collect and prepare the necessary documents during the year.
You must attach the following documents to your tax return:
- the salary statement for employees
- the accounting report for the self-employed
- Receipts for pensions (old-age pension, etc.)
- Bank or post office statements
- Documents on investments and securities
- Proof of contributions to Pillar 3a (voluntary pension provision)
- Compilation of your medical expenses (you will receive a list from the health insurance company)
- Professional expenses
- Costs of vocational education and training courses
- Donation receipts
- For homeowners: all documents relating to property tax, debt interest, invoices for maintenance and renovation work, operating and administrative costs, etc.
Married couples fill out a tax return together. The two incomes are added together and taxed jointly. This also applies if you live in a registered partnership.
If you have any questions about your tax return, you can use the information available online or contact the cantonal Steuerverwaltung directly.
You can also have your tax return completed by a professional tax advisor. There is a fee for this service.
Filing your tax return electronically
Contact points
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