Open meeting offers
Take part in social life and attend events and courses in your region.
Events and offers in your region:
- Overview Offers Meeting & Learning new window
- Café International new window
- German for mothers and fathers in the city of St.Gallen new window
- Encounter in the Lachen district of St. Gallen new window
- Open meeting place Mosaik in Lindenstrasse 57 new window
- Solidarity House St.Gallen new window
- Cultural cosmonauts: train dance, music, drama and language free of charge new window
- Events and offers for children new window
- Young Power: Church offers for children and young people new window
- Villa YoYo: leisure activities for children of primary school age new window
- Events and offers for young people new window
Examples from the Sarganserland Werdenberg region
- Women's meetings throughout the region new window
- German courses throughout the region new window
- Language support for young children throughout the region new window
- Language Café Buchs new window
- Family reunion in Buchs SG new window
- Family centre in Grabs new window
- Solemio Family Centre in Sevelen new window
City of Wil
- Quartiertreff Lindenhof: Meeting place for everyone new window
- Mitenand-Treff: Meeting place for all residents of Wil new window
- Courses: German in Everyday Life & German in Dialogue new window
- Conversation course: Speaking German new window
- Solidarity network new window
- German with PerspectiveA new window
- Sunday meeting of Pro Senectute: get-together with coffee & cake and games new window
- Frauen-Treff / Näh-Treff / Flick-Treff (Repaircafé) new window
- Pedalo: playing together – learning German together for mother/father with toddlers new window
- Give Me a Story: Reading in the Mother Tongue for Parents with Toddlers new window
- Integration offers in Rapperswil-Jona new window
- World's Women - Cultural meeting for women in Rapperswil new window
- Africa Association Rapperswil-Jona new window
- Begegnungs-Café International Rapperswil new window
- femme global: Intercultural women's meeting in Uznach and the surrounding area new window
- Café International in Eschenbach new window
- German courses: Quartierschule in Eschenbach new window
- KAFI ALLERLEI in Kaltbrunn new window
- Language support for toddlers in Schmerikon new window
You can find more offers here:
Region Linth
Offers & Events
Rhine Valley Region
Offers & Events in the Rhine Valley
Region Sarganserland Werdenberg
Offers and events of the Mintegra Foundation
Region St.Gallen
Offers & events of the Arge Integration
Offers & Events
Offers & Events
Contact points
Enter your postcode so that we can show you your nearest contact point.