Would you like to work independently in Switzerland and start your own business?
The step from a secure job to self-employment is financially risky and involves some formalities. Nevertheless, it is worth it if you can make your dream of self-employment come true.
Working independently means:
- You work in your own name on your own account
- You are independent of an employer
- You bear your own economic risk

Your future business will be, for example: | You are self-employed in a liberal profession, e.g. as: |
How do you need to go about working independently and starting your own business?
As a citizen of the EU/EFTA, it is sufficient to have a 5-year residence permit B. First of all, you have to register and prove your planned work at the Migration Migrationsamt St.Gallen.
Examples include:
- a VAT number, if available (EU VAT identification number)
- entry in a professional register
- Registration with a social security system (AHV ) for your self-employment
- a business plan or accounting figures
- Entry in the Handelsregister
The Migrationsamt Office and the Amt für Wirtschaft of the Canton of St. Gallen will help you with any questions you may have about registration.
Documents that you will need to present depending on your profession:
Do you or your spouse have a C permit or are you married to a Swiss national? Then you can become self-employed, but first you have to register and prove your planned work at the St.Gallen Migrationsamt .
Examples include:
- entry in a professional register
- Registration with a social security system (AHV ) for your self-employment
- a business plan or accounting figures
- Entry in the commercial register
The Migrationsamt Office and the Amt für Wirtschaft of the Canton of St. Gallen will help you with any questions you may have about registration.
Documents that you will need to present depending on your profession:
All other persons must submit an application to the Migrationsamt in St.Gallen. What you should document in your application:
- Your personal requirements for this professional activity
- the positive impact of your company on the labour market
- Your contribution to the expansion of the range of products and services in this industry
- Creating or maintaining jobs for locals
- Investments and orders
The Migrationsamt examines the application and issues the permit.
Documents that you will need to present depending on your profession:
With protection Schutzstatus S , you can work in Switzerland: Information from the SEM.
You can also work independently. To do this, you must apply for a work permit from the Canton of St.Gallen before starting work. The canton will check whether you have the money and experience to do the planned work.
During the procedure , the labour market authority may request further documents necessary for the granting of the permit.
In Switzerland, all people must be insured against accidents. Employers are obliged to register all employees with accident insurance.
If you are self-employed, you must take out accident insurance yourself. This is possible, for example, with your health insurance company as an add-on.
If you are registered as unemployed and receive unemployment benefit, you are automatically insured with Suva . The insurance rate is deducted from the unemployment benefit.

Employees and the self-employed can receive family allowances.
You must submit your application for family allowances to the following authorities:
- as an employee: via your employer at the employer's Familienausgleichskasse
- as a self-employed person with the Ausgleichskasse to which you are affiliated
Family allowances for employed persons
If you have any questions about the exact formalities of the permit (where exactly to apply, which form, how long does it take, etc.), please contact the competent authority at the Canton of St.Gallen.
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