There are many different authorities and administrative departments in your place of residence, regionally and in the canton of St.Gallen.
It is important to know which office is responsible for what.

Authorities of the municipality or city of residence
The seat of the local administration is the Gemeindeverwaltung .
In a city, it is the Stadtverwaltung or Gemeindeamt .
For you, the Einwohneramt is the first point of contact if you are moving to a municipality of residence. Depending on where you live, it is also called Einwohnerdienste .
You can also contact them for questions about identity cards, various certificates, certification of signatures, fishing licenses, dog control.
You will receive personal, financial and material support from the Sozialamt if you are in an emergency situation.
The taxes of the residents of the municipality of residence are calculated at the Steueramt . There you have to submit the annual tax return. The Steueramt will check your information and issue the invoice for the annual taxes.
The Finanzverwaltung regulates all matters relating to finances.
You will need the Grundbuchamt you are dealing with real estate and real estate property rights.

The Betreibungsamt helps a legitimate creditor to collect an open claim from the debtor.
If you are renting a new apartment, you will need an extract from the debt collection register. You can request this form from the Betreibungsamt .
Authorities of the school
If you as parents have any questions, please contact the Schulsekretariat .
The Schulverwaltung is the hub of the school.
It deals with the concerns of the school board, the rectorate, the school management, the teachers, the authorities and the parents.
Administration / authorities around housing
Many apartment buildings have a Liegenschaftsverwaltung that takes over the tasks of the homeowner.
The Liegenschaftsverwaltung is responsible for renting out the apartments and looking after the tenants. It draws up rental contracts and ensures compliance with the house rules.
Authorities at the Canton of St.Gallen
The Migrationsamt will review your residence application and issue the entry and residence permit.
In addition, the Migrationsamt will extend your visa and issue you with a return visa. You can also order your foreigner's ID card here.
You can contact the Strassenverkehrsamt to change your driving licence or change your vehicle registration document.
The Strassenverkehrsamt is responsible for driving licences, vehicle registration documents, driving tests, registration (registration) of vehicles, vehicle inspections and traffic charges.
If you want to work in Switzerland, please contact the Amt für Wirtschaft . For example, you submit your work permit or your application for self-employment to the Amt für Wirtschaft .
Your nationality and the purpose of your stay are decisive for the work permit.
Contact points
Enter your postcode so that we can show you your nearest contact point.