Meet & learn
Take advantage of the many offers and events to meet new people and learn German together.
There are numerous activities where you can socialize and speak to each other in German.
Participation in these activities is cheap or free of charge and is open to everyone. You will also learn a lot of important information about life in the canton of St.Gallen.
There are open offers in your area. Ask at the municipal office or at the family centre.

Events and offers in your region:
- Overview Offers Meeting & Learning new window
- Café International new window
- German for mothers and fathers in the city of St.Gallen new window
- Encounter in the Lachen district of St. Gallen new window
- Open meeting place Mosaik in Lindenstrasse 57 new window
- Solidarity House St.Gallen new window
- Cultural cosmonauts: train dance, music, drama and language free of charge new window
- Events and offers for children new window
- Young Power: Church offers for children and young people new window
- Villa YoYo: leisure activities for children of primary school age new window
- Events and offers for young people new window
Examples from the Sarganserland Werdenberg region
- Women's meetings throughout the region new window
- German courses throughout the region new window
- Language support for young children throughout the region new window
- Language Café Buchs new window
- Family reunion in Buchs SG new window
- Family centre in Grabs new window
- Solemio Family Centre in Sevelen new window
City of Wil
- Quartiertreff Lindenhof: Meeting place for everyone new window
- Mitenand-Treff: Meeting place for all residents of Wil new window
- Courses: German in Everyday Life & German in Dialogue new window
- Conversation course: Speaking German new window
- Solidarity network new window
- German with PerspectiveA new window
- Sunday meeting of Pro Senectute: get-together with coffee & cake and games new window
- Frauen-Treff / Näh-Treff / Flick-Treff (Repaircafé) new window
- Pedalo: playing together – learning German together for mother/father with toddlers new window
- Give Me a Story: Reading in the Mother Tongue for Parents with Toddlers new window
- Integration offers in Rapperswil-Jona new window
- World's Women - Cultural meeting for women in Rapperswil new window
- Africa Association Rapperswil-Jona new window
- Begegnungs-Café International Rapperswil new window
- femme global: Intercultural women's meeting in Uznach and the surrounding area new window
- Café International in Eschenbach new window
- German courses: Quartierschule in Eschenbach new window
- KAFI ALLERLEI in Kaltbrunn new window
- Language support for toddlers in Schmerikon new window
Contact points
Enter your postcode so that we can show you your nearest contact point.