Marriage, birth, death
For these important stages of life, the procedure is different in each country. Switzerland also has its peculiarities.

To describe the family situation, one speaks of Zivilstand in Switzerland.
The responsible office for marriage, birth and death is called the Zivilstandsamt .
Read about what you need to know in the event of marriage, birth and death:
For marriage, the Zivilstandsamt needs the following documents:
- Family ID card
- Confirmation of Establishment
- Proof of identity
- Birth certificate
Missing documents can be obtained from the responsible office:
> Order civil status documents
Marriage abroad
Before getting married, find out about the required documents from the Zivilstandsamt and the responsible registry office abroad. After the marriage, the Swiss embassy transmits all documents to Switzerland.
A purely religious wedding without a certificate from an office is not recognised in Switzerland.
To enter the country as a married couple, contact the Migrationsamt or the Swiss embassy.
Further information can be found at the Zivilstandsamt in your municipality of residence:
You must report the birth of your child to the Zivilstandsamt within 3 days of the birth.
Normally, the hospital or birthing center makes the report. In the case of a birth at home, you as parents make the registration within 3 days. You will need the family ID card and an official ID.
The Zivilstandsamt issues the birth certificate.
If a person dies at home, notify a doctor immediately. The doctor issues a death certificate.
Then report the death to the Zivilstandsamt . There you will receive the death certificate for reporting to insurance companies, banks and health insurance companies.
Questions about the funeral can be discussed with the Zivilstandsamt , a funeral home and pastoral care.
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