Education system
Compulsory schooling in the Canton of St.Gallen lasts 11 years. Attendance at school is compulsory and free of charge.
All children and young people in the canton of St.Gallen go to school. School time includes:
- 2 years Kindergarten
- 6 years Primarschule
- 3 years Sekundarstufe I

There are different teachers in a class. The class teacher is the first point of contact for all parents' questions from everyday school life.
School management
The school management runs the school on behalf of the school authority. She represents the school to the outside world and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. The school management is the point of contact for pupils and their parents in matters that cannot be discussed directly with the class teacher or that are of overriding importance.
Information for parents
- Die Volksschule - Das Wichtigste in Kürze (deutsch)
- المدرسة اإلبتدائية أهم المعلومات بإختصار (arabisch)
- Shkolla fillore Më e rëndësishmja shkurtimisht (albanisch)
- Osnovna škola najvažnije informacije (kroatisch)
- مدرسه ابتدایی - خوب است بدانید (farsi)
- O ensino básico - Resumo dos pontos mais importantes (portugiesisch)
- Temel eğitim okulu Özet olarak en önemli noktalar (tuerkisch)