Complementary offers
In addition to school lessons, children can benefit from additional support services in the areas of prevention, support and care. Information about the offers can be obtained from the school.

Children have different talents and interests. These can be promoted by pupils taking advantage of the offers in addition to school lessons, such as:
- Assistance with homework
- Instruction in native language and culture
- Voluntary school sports
- Music
- Supervision outside of class hours
Support and encouragement
The children can learn an instrument, take singing lessons or sing in a group. Classes are held in individual and group lessons. In a choir, orchestra or ensemble, they make music and sing together. The music school is subject to a fee.
Information about the offers can be obtained from the school or the municipal office.
> Overview of music schools in the Canton of St.Gallen
Children can receive additional support for school lessons with various support measures. For this purpose, there are special education offers such as speech therapy, Integrierte schulische Förderung (ISF) or the promotion of giftedness.
However, there are also children for whom this is not enough. Then it is possible to teach these children in a Kleinklasse .
The teacher will inform you if your child needs additional support. You will discuss together how your child can be supported in addition to the classroom lessons. Special education measures for your child do not cost extra.
> leaflet in German
Clubs and institutions support children in various areas such as sports or music. These courses take place after school lessons.
There are talent schools for young people with special talents in sports, music or design. These can be attended at the Sekundarstufe I .
> List of talent schools in the Canton of St.Gallen
At school, the children speak German. To ensure that your child can also deepen their mother tongue, there are special courses for this. The HSK-Unterricht are a supplement to the school and are also listed in the supplementary report card. Classes include 2 to 4 lessons per week, depending on the school level.
Classes are organized by associations or embassies and consulates. The children learn their mother tongue better and learn a lot about their home country. The lessons are politically and religiously neutral.
> HSK courses offered in the Canton of St.Gallen

School social work helps all pupils, parents or teachers with questions, problems or crises. The school social work office is usually located in the school building. The consultation is free of charge.
> Directory of School Social Work in the Canton of St.Gallen
Childcare services
The schools offer supervised lunches, where the children are looked after over lunchtime. Everyone receives a healthy, warm and varied meal.
After the meal, the children have games and drawing materials at their disposal and they can also do homework there.
Information is available from the school office and on the school's website.
A daycare center (also called Kita ) looks after children between the ages of 0 and 4 or 6 years. The facility is usually open for 11-12 hours from Monday to Friday.
The day-to-day care is structured in a regular daily routine. The children eat together and there are play and rest times.
You can find out online about a Kita in the canton of St.Gallen or ask the municipal office.
In the day care family, one or more children are cared for in the day family's own household. This is regularly possible on an hourly, half-day or full-day basis.
The care in the day family has special strengths: The caregiver is always the same. This can create a close bond with the child. In addition, the group of children is small and the care can therefore be individually designed.
The Swiss Red Cross (SRC) St.Gallen will help you with childcare in an emergency situation.
Childcare will come to your home and help if:
- As a parent, you are ill, have an accident or are in hospital
- You are temporarily in a difficult situation (e.g. after childbirth, separation, pregnancy, death, etc.)
Residents of the city of St.Gallen are represented by the children's care service of the Women's Centre . For more information, call 071 222 04 80.
Childcare at home
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