Work permit
In many cases, you will need a permit if you want to work in Switzerland. The work permit is based on your nationality and the type of work you plan to do.
The work permit is issued by the Migration Office. Sometimes the Office for Economy and Labour (AWA) also has to make a decision.
Admission depends on your country of origin:
Work and stay longer than 3 months a year
The Agreement on the Freizügigkeitsabkommen with the EU/EFTA allows you to live and work in Switzerland.
You do not need a work permit for Switzerland, but you do need a residence permit. You will receive this if you present a written employment contract (fixed-term or indefinite) or a similar document.
If you enter Switzerland to take up self-employment, you must provide proof of self-employment that secures your livelihood.
Further information: Fact sheet on self-employment EU/EFTA
Short-term work in Switzerland (up to max. 3 months)
If you work for a Swiss company for a maximum of 3 months per year, you do not need a work permit. All you have to do is sign up. This is referred to as short-term service provision. These would be, for example:
- Servicing
- Repair and maintenance work
- Implementation of courses and seminars
You can register here (no later than the day before the start of work):
Notification procedure State Secretariat for Migration
Collaboration in a project
If you come to Switzerland to work on a project, you will need a permit. Project work would be, for example:
- Construction and installation of machines
- Implementation of computer science projects
- Conversion of shops
The following documents are required for the submission of an application for project work:
- Form A1
- Posting confirmation
- Further documents in accordance with section 5 of the leaflet "Posted workers and independent provision of services"
The Agreement on the Freizügigkeitsabkommen with the EU/EFTA allows you to live and work in Switzerland.
There are no restrictions for the year 2025 if you want to work in Switzerland.
It is possible that maximum numbers for Croatian workers will be reintroduced in 2026.
Since 1 January 2021, British nationals who want to work in Switzerland for the first time have been treated in the same way as third-country nationals.
To work in Switzerland, you need a permit from the Migrationsamt and the Labour Market Authority.
You can only work in Switzerland if you are well qualified, for example as:
- Executive / Manager
- Specialist
- Professional with several years of professional experience
The number of people admitted to the labour market is limited.
Your future employer must prove that there are no people in Switzerland and in the EU and EFTA countries who are suitable for the position to be filled (nationals have priority).
In order to work, you need a work permit in addition to a residence permit.
You can work in Switzerland with Schutzstatus S : Information from the SEM. Your employer must apply for a work permit before you start work.
This application can be submitted to the Canton of St.Gallen immediately after obtaining Schutzstatus S : Information Canton of St.Gallen
You can also work independently. To do this, you must apply for a work permit from the Canton of St.Gallen before starting work. The canton will check whether you have the money and experience to do the planned work.
During the procedure, the labour market authority may request further documents necessary for the granting of a permit.
Please send inquiries about the processing status by e-mail to
The organisation REPAS helps people with protection status S in the canton of St.Gallen to find a job. The social welfare office of your municipality of residence registers you with REPAS.
Recognised refugees (B permit) and temporarily admitted persons (F permit) are allowed to work in any job they find.
All you or your employer have to do is submit a report to the Office of Economy and Labour and comply with Swiss wage and working conditions. After signing up, you can start working immediately.
The organisation REPAS helps refugees and temporarily admitted persons in the canton of St.Gallen to find a job. The social welfare office of your municipality of residence registers you with REPAS.
- Arbeiten in der Schweiz (deutsch)
- Lavorare in Svizzera (italienisch)
- Trabajar en Suiza (spanisch)
- Trabalhar na Suíça (portugiesisch)
- Travailler en Suisse (französisch)
- Working in Switzerland (englisch)
- Праца ў Швейцарыі (weissrussisch)
- Работа в Швейцарии (russisch)
- ارسيوس يف لمعلا (arabisch)
- การทำ งาน ในสวิตเซอร์แลนด์ (thai)
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